
Fun Facts About Recognition Programs – Glassical Designs Crystal Awards and Trophies

Whenever we hire a new employee we explain that we have the best job in the world.  In helping our customers design recognition programs tailored to their specific needs we “get to” be involved in an incredibly positive endeavor. Fun Facts about Recognition Programs:

  1. 90% of voluntary resignations are made due to feeling under-appreciated by their managers
  2. Key employees cost on average 150% of their quarterly salary to replace
  3. Companies that start recognition programs experience a 50% lower turnover rate
  4. Only 30% of employees wil improve their performance after being criticized but 90% improve after veing praised

Recognition programs are used to:

  1. Create a positive work environment
  2. Motivate high performance
  3. Reinforce desired behaviors
  4. Increase morale