
Exploring Leadership Through Books: Insights from the Glassical Designs Team

Leadership is a subject that fascinates many, especially those who find themselves in roles where guiding others and making key decisions are part of their everyday life. At Glassical Designs, leadership isn’t just a position—it’s a way of engaging with our team, our clients, and our projects. When we asked our team about their favorite books on leadership, we found ourselves exploring leadership through books that reflect their personal values and approaches to leading. These books offer a window into their leadership journeys and provide lessons that are just as impactful in the workplace as they are in life.

The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, and Jim Huling

Nora (Founder): For our founder, Nora, leadership is about achieving significant goals without losing sight of what makes a business truly meaningful. Her favorite book, The 4 Disciplines of Execution, focuses on empowering people to concentrate on what’s most important.

“It helps you empower your people to focus on the important and not forget the meaningful side of running a business,” Nora explains.

This approach aligns perfectly with Nora’s leadership style at Glassical Designs, where the emphasis is on both achieving excellence and maintaining a strong, values-driven culture. By adopting these disciplines, Nora ensures that the team stays aligned with the company’s core mission while pursuing ambitious goals. This balance of execution and meaning has been a cornerstone of Glassical Designs’ success over the past 40 years.

EntreLeadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches by Dave Ramsey

Bernie (General Manager): Bernie’s pick, EntreLeadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches by Dave Ramsey, perfectly aligns with his leadership philosophy: a balance of entrepreneurial drive and servant leadership. He believes this book reflects the core of what it means to lead in a business setting—taking initiative while fostering a positive and supportive culture.

“What really resonates with me is the emphasis on servant leadership,” Bernie explains. “Leading by serving your team and fostering a positive culture is essential. When your team knows you’re there to support them, they’re empowered to perform at their best.”

For Bernie, true leadership is about creating an environment where people thrive, a principle he applies in his day-to-day management at Glassical Designs. By focusing on the growth and well-being of his team, Bernie ensures that their success is aligned with the company’s goals, driving both individual and organizational growth.

Dare To Lead by Brené Brown

Magan (Graphic Design Manager): For Magan, leadership is closely tied to vulnerability, and Dare to Lead by Brené Brown embodies that connection. In the first chapter, Brown talks about embracing vulnerability as a crucial part of leadership, a message that resonates deeply with Magan.

“Leadership is a vulnerable thing,” Magan explains. “I’m still sitting with that first chapter, learning to be comfortable with the feeling of vulnerability. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary.”

One of the quotes that stands out to Magan is, “The courage to be vulnerable is not about winning or losing, it’s about the courage to show up when you can’t predict or control the outcome.” This powerful statement captures the heart of effective leadership—showing up with courage, even when the path ahead is uncertain. For Magan, it’s not just about leading with authority, but with authenticity, which is crucial in the world of design, where creativity often demands risk and vulnerability.

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

Jeff (Production Lead): For Jeff, leadership involves navigating both the light and dark sides of power dynamics. His favorite book, The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene, offers lessons on understanding how people pursue power and the ways one can protect themselves from manipulation.

“The book teaches you the darker facets of people who try to attain power,” Jeff shares. “But if you use it for good, it can teach you how to become an effective leader and a friend to others.”

While the book explores power’s more cunning aspects, Jeff sees it as a tool for becoming a better leader, emphasizing the importance of both self-awareness and protecting those around you. In a production environment where efficiency and clear communication are essential, Jeff uses these lessons to ensure he’s empowering his team while keeping potential pitfalls in mind. For him, leadership isn’t just about control—it’s about mutual respect and creating an environment where the team can trust each other to get the job done.

Conclusion: Exploring Leadership Through Books

Each of these leadership books reflects different, yet complementary, facets of what it takes to guide a team in today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world. Whether it’s learning to lead with vulnerability, understanding the dynamics of power, empowering teams to focus on what matters most, or fostering a positive and supportive culture, leadership takes many forms. These books reflect the diverse ways leaders at Glassical Designs approach their roles, and the values they bring to our team every day. Through their shared wisdom, we see a common thread—great leaders focus not just on leading, but on empowering others to succeed alongside them. Exploring leadership through books offers us a unique lens into the various paths one can take to become a more effective leader, no matter the industry or role.